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The Covid Mikado
in Four Acts

Music by Arthur Sullivan,   Lyrics by Mary W Maxwell




1. President John Magufuli, MD. "My Paw-paw Took the PCR Test"
2. Erik Enby, MD, "Don't Gargle My Particles"
3. Rashid Buttar, DO. "We Can Rule the World, You and I"

4.  James Miller, MD. "I Swear This All Happened in My Hospital"
5. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH. "We Need an Art of War"



6. David Rockefeller. "The Globalists Have Won!"
7. The CDC. "We Are the Masters; You Are Slaves"

8. The Media. "We're from the Media and We're Here To Help"

9. The US Supreme Court. Justice Amy Barrett. "Witness My Distress"

10. Rep. Kazuhiro Haraguchi. "Japan, We in Government Did Wrong"



11. Catherine Austin Fitts. "We Call It Disaster Capitalism""
12. Steve Kirsch, BA. "Please Do It for the Kids"
13. Pierre Kory, MD. "Ivermectin Hits the Spot"

14. Jon Rappaport. "I Remember AIDS and the OKC Bomb"

15. William Sumner Scott, JD. "Doctors Can't Avoid Politics"   


16. Mary W Maxwell, LLB. "Donde Es the Bill of Rights?"
17. Reiner Fuellmich, JD. "I've Got a Little List for Nuremberg.2"
18. Dee McLachlan, BA. "Arrest the Chief Health Officer"

19. The Senate and the DOJ. "Behold the Mighty Attorney General"

20. Reprise. [which we do not name]


In London, in 1885, Gilbert and Sullivan produced a light opera, The Mikado. It laughed at some British social issues, disguising them within a romantic conflict, set in Japan. For today's purposes, Sullivan's music will be used to lighten up some sad stuff about the Covid pandemic.


In March of 2020, governments all around the world announced the frightening spread of a new illness, Covid-19. The "19" stands for 2019, the year in which the first Covid patient was spotted in China. Most of our citizens do not yet realize how much we got conned. Any government can tell the tallest of tales with "authority" and the media will pump it up to the max. Let's face it, humans are wonderfully gullible.



[Narrator] Act 1: Whistleblowers

Act I is about whistleblowers. There are always a few people who will even risk death to get the truth out. Our first singer in Act I is John Magufuli, who was President of Tanzania when he died inexplicably in 2021. He had denied the value of the PCR test -- you remember the nasal swab -- that billions of people were subjected to. Next in Act I, we hear Dr Erik Enby from Sweden. He discovered particles, in a vial of Pfizer vaccine, of type he associates with putrefaction. Enby is no longer with us. Another of the whistleblowers blowers we mourn is Rashid Buttar, an autism doctor. Before dying in 2023, at age 57, he said that he was being poisoned. Then to Dr James Miller. An affidavit he signed, presented in a song below, describes how he was persecuted for complaining about his hospital's breaches of the law, such as writing a false cause of death, on death certificates. Finally in Act I we hear from Dr Peter McCullough, an eminent cardiologist who has jumped up and down about the heart attacks of young men that have followed Covid vaccination. His certification to work in hospitals as a specialist has recently been cancelled.

1. President John Magufuli of Tanzania

My Paw-Paw Took the PCR Test   (“The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring


John Magufuli (1959 -2021)


Kary Mullis won a Nobel for the P.C.R. test          

But he warned that it couldn't diagnose.   

As a leader in Africa, I felt pressed        

To send something off to a lab for the test. 

So I sent them a paw-paw, disguised,

In order to test the test.


If a positive reading said “Yes, he’s got Covid,”

We’d all know the whole thing’s a scam.

Our paw-paw indeed scored high on the test,

But now a cadaver I am.

Tra la, la ah  la-ah -- tra la, la  la, la, lah.

Now a cadaver I am.


And what do I think of the W-H-O?

A disgrace to our race, it's quite sick.

Down here we're antivax to the nth degree

We know Bill Gates's goal is infertility.

That's why we call Tedros a prick,

Gheb-rey-esus, of Ethiopia, a prick.


It’s a pity when Africans fail to unite

To expose all the evil that’s hid.

In Covid we could've set the whole world right,

In fact I, myself, almost did.

Tra la, la ah  la-ah  -- tra la, la  la, la, ah.

I, myself, almost did.    

2. Dr Erik Enby, discoverer of Enby Particles

Dr Erik Enby. Gargling with Putrefiers    (“Were You Not To Koko Plighted”)


Erik Enby (1938-2022)


All my life I was a rebel, just can’t stand to go along, 

But with Covid and the gargle, I am fu-urious, hence this song.  

To look at life includes the pla-ants, I was taught by En-derlein,

Pu-tre-faction should be studied; it’s OK to see decline.     

It’s OK to see decline.  


I found particles in over-ripe fruit,       slow down to triple the time

And in the blood of the very sick. 

Then 'ol Peratt brought to my lab,

A vial of Pfizer, to make a flick.  


He said Put this under the microscope, we'll see what's in that vaccine.

There were the chaperones of putre-fac-tion!  a test for Covid has them, too. 

Kids in Sweden, Korea, and Canada, had to gargle with my paaar-ti-cles –

"Enby par-ti-cles" -- Who knew?  


Swedish cops beat up 'ol Bjorn, then someone made him pass away.  

Was that a proper price to pay? Please say Nay, say Nay, say Nay.


This is what you shouldn't accept.

This is what you shouldn't accept.

You shouldn't accept.  You shouldn't accept.


Thanks to my wife I fought the good fight.

They cancelled my medical license in '07.

I lived to be old, eighty-four.

Now I'm stationed up in Heaven.


In Covid many doctors let us down. This must change. It can't go on.

3. Rashid Buttar, OD

We Can Rule the Earth, You and I (“The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze“)


Dr Rashid Buttar, autism doctor (1966 -2023)


The sun, whose rays are all ablaze, tells us a story,

That life on Earth, in all its worth, gives God His glory.

I'm sad my days were cut so short, by misled neighbors.

Their crazy drive, to stay on top, did them no favors.


I’d continue hyperbaric chambers, for my autistics.

I’d preach sun-shine for all -- it's got statistics! 

Good folks can rule the earth, as He the sky.

It takes a covenant of love.   Let's, you and I.


And don’t forget, I served as surgeon, in the Army.

Discovered things I need to share — these can’t keep going.

Please, Troops, be strong, pick out what’s wrong, and stop them growing.

Just use your brains; it only takes a bit of knowing.


Ah, pray make no mistake, we are not shy;

We’re very wide awake, you folks and I.

Good folks can rule the earth, as He the sky.

It takes a covenant of love — let’s, you and I.

4. James Miller, MD    

I Swear This All Happened in My Hospital   ("Our Great Mikado")


James Miller

When I worked up in Washington state,

We were told to write, on the cert-i-fi-cate,

That Covid was the cause of death,  

But the guy had died of gunshot.


What's got into this hospital staff?  

They liked me before, but now they laugh.

I attest under pain of perjury,

They threatened to pink-slip me. 

Pink slip me. Pink sli-i-i-p me. Their e-mail said "Get Miller."   


And I expect, you think, like me,

C-E-O's act childishly.

And I am right and you are right

And all is right as right can be.


Oh yes you're right, they're acting like

The top grade they reached was Kindy.

And all is right, as right can be

Right as r-i--ight can be.


I saw some families shake with fear,

When Grandma got Rem-des-i-vir.

I think this drug was invented for

A quite 'specific' purpose. 


The bureau-crats in my state's tribe,

See nothing wrong with taking bribes.

They believe it's a proper thing to do.

I heard them say "It's permitted."

Permitted. Permi-i- i- -i-ted. Just do it -- it's permitted.         


And what if patients refuse the vax?

Of course we wouldn't cut 'em with an ax,

But a nurse at night, could, out of spite,

Let them sort of fall, between the cracks.


They gave Miller a gag order to sign.

But must have known he would decline.

So they cut his contract before time -- oooh

And slipped him a golden handshake.


Vitamin D's fine, my word is oath.

Zinc and Quercetin?  -- I like them both.

Sure, I've been known to flout the rules. 

But my patients go home happy.


And now I'm proud to put to you:

Two thirds of nurses in my ICU

Resigned rather than "to go along".

There's still some hope for morals.

For morals, for mo-o--o  -o-o-o-rals

Hooray! there's hope for morals.


And we are right, I think you'll say.

To argue in this kind of way.

Why change our tune? Tooloralay.

If it's not right, we'll make it right.


And we are right, and you are right,

Don't change your tune, toora-loora lay.

And we will help the people see

It will a-a-a-ll be right.

5. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH

We Need an Art of War   (“Tit Willow)”  


Dr Peter McCullough of Texas
Photo credit: Mises Institute

I’ve been doing cardiology, for quite a long time

In Dallas and New York, and everywhere.

I’m also quite adept in epi-demiology

So, this Covid thing struck me as rare.


I looked into it and constructed a new protocol,

And wrote instructions for patients to follow.

To my brilliant White Paper, the government replied:  

“Tit willow, tit willow, tit willow.”


On the CDC website there's a report known as “VAERS."

Describing harms that follow vaccination.

I saw that the age-group of men under 40,

Is pretty out-of-whack for our nation.


Many men seem to be getting myo-carditis,

By a chemical, not a natural, means.

Dr Makis in Canada counts the athletes who die;

And airline pilots -- what more will be seen?


In ethics, my profession is letting the world down.

Look -- the House of Medicine is on fire.

I said “We’ve got group-think, it’s pretty disturbed,”

In the von Mises speech I gave in New Hamp-shire.


In Chattanooga, I offered a strategic approach:

Use the "Art of War" --  let's not rest on our pillow.

The audience loved me, 'cuz I didn’t say

“Tit willow, tit willow, tit willow."

[Narrator] Act II. “Authorities”

Now for the other side of the argument, the government’s side. We begin with David Rockefeller who is happy that the globalists' dream came true. When the World Health Organization urged a lockdown, boom, that was it, worldwide.  Next, the men of the CDC will sing “We are masters; you are slaves.”. The famous Mikado song “Three Little Maids from School Are We” will be rendered in a new way by the media, ordering you to wear the mask. Next, a US Supreme Court justice, Amy Coney Barrett, explains that there was not much she could do when people asked for relief. Finally, we hear from Kazuhiro Haraguchi who admits, as an elected rep in the Japanese Diet, that the protestors are right. He wants his colleagues to come forward and say Sorry.

6. Globalist leader, the late David Rockefeller

The Globalists Have Won   (“Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day“)


David Rockefeller (1915-2017)


Brightly dawns the Globalist way

Joyous hour, we give thee greeting

Wait a minute, art thou fleeting?

No, don't do that, prithee stay!

Lovely moment, prithee stay!


In Twenty-twelve, I blessed the Reset

Planned the Covid, all could be met.


Been at this since 'Forty-five

When the UN went alive.

Don’t forget who provided the land...

It was me.

Chorus:  Ding dong. Di-ing dong.


Been at this since 'Forty-five

When United Nations went live.

Sing a merry madrigal. Sing a merry madrigal.

Sing a merry madrigal.

Chorus: Fa la la, fa la la , : Fa la la, fa la la, Fa la la. 


I determine everything medical,

Whether factual or hypothetical,

It's all in my hands,

fa la la, Fa la la.  Fa la la ,

               fa la la, Fa la la.  Fa la la


Father and Grandpa gave me tools

To con-trol you simple fools.

When environmentalists yell "Don't pollute!"

That's when "pandemic" gets my salute.

That's when "pandemic" gets a big salute.


Media and banking were all I needed

To prevent you folks from being seeded

With big dreams or healthy schemes.

Sing a merry madrigal, sing a merry madrigal

Sing a merry madrigal, madrigal.

Ding dong. Di-ing dong.


Job said the Lord gives and takes away,

But with effort you can hold Him at bay.

I was planning a hundred and twenty.

But now I feel 101 was plenty.


But now he feels 101 was plenty.

Chorus: Fa la la, fa la la, Fa la la.

Fa la la.

Fa la la, fa la la, Fa la la.

Fa la la.


101 was plenty. fa la la . Forget the twenty. fa la la

7.  The CDC

We Are the Masters, You Are Slaves   (“If You Want To Know Who We Are“)


The CDC in Atlanta, Georgia. Photo from


Full Chorus


If you want to know who we are,

We are bosses from C-D-C.

We're in charge and you must obey.

Of course that gives us glee.


The Department of Health, and Obamacare,

Are friggin' unconstitutional. What fun!


If you think we investigate vac-cines,

And worry about patient harm,

You missed the boat, ol’ Buddy,

Just obey. Stick out your arm.


Babies must follow our way.

Who cares what Mom and Dad say?

Wow, do we get off on this! Ah! Ah.

If you think we're legit you're wrong.


If u want to know who we are,

Just wake up and see the plan.

Did you get a load of VAERS?

We sought reports and many a, many a, many a,

many a, many a, many a,

many a, many a doctor sent them in.

oh oh oh oh oh.

Just fall asleep, don't see the plan.

8. The Media

We're from the Media and We're Here To Help   (“Three Little Maids from School“)


Photo: BBC

Full chorus:


We say Covid is so atrocious!

Remedy isn't all that ferocious.

Be sure to stand six feet apart.

To stand apart -- what an art!


From all your neighbors, stay away....

Please virtue-signal hard today....                      

Must it be done for the greater good?...

We rule: You should. 


Masks on faces will help survival

We were involved in their arrival,

Maskless, you can’t even board the bus.

Listen to the media, that's us.


Facial expressions are getting hidden.

Some babies think a smile’s forbidden.

But that’s a tiny price to pay.

For stuffing Covid up -- we say.


Look around you, see who’ll wear it.

Must be able to grin and bear it.

Are masks oppressive when the weather’s hot?

No, abso-LUTE-ly not.


Long ago Lancet published a paper,

We think it should go join the vapor,

It said masks can harm your breathin’

Come on already, don't believe it -- it's heathen!

9. The US Supreme Court

Witness My Distress    (“Here’s a How-De-Do“)


Amy Coney Barrett, Supreme Court justice, mother of 8 children


Here’s a How-de-do. At Indiana U,

Students sought my jurisdiction, no this isn’t just some fiction,

I can be approached. It’s legal in this circuit. Here’s a how-de-do.

Here’s a pretty mess.  In a month or less,

I must answer on these facts: Can Higher Ed demand a vax? Maxwell v Defense says

Amendment Four trumps all.  Witness my distress.


Here’s a state of things. Many laws I bring. Can we tell a private business

That in health it has no business. I’ll stay out of trouble. Don’t want to burst my bubble.

Gotta respect the Bench....

In youth, ideals of justice may be worshipped and adored.

But now I know it’s practical for rights to be ignored.

Girls ask me to save them, from a possibly fatal shot.

Do I listen, do I listen, do I help them? Or not.  What an unbelievably stu-pid state of things.


During a pandemic, one thinks of the greater good.

And so, I guess I should. But whose good is the greatest?

Here’s a pretty, pretty, pretty state of things.

Here’s a pretty hooooow-de-do.

10. Japanese Parliamentarian
Kazuhiro Haraguchi

Japan, We in Government Did Wrong  ("See How the Fates Their Gifts Allott")


 Kazuhiro Haraguchi.
Photo credit:

Why have we all been such fools?

We vaccinated our kids at school.

Urgently, let's find a tool

To overthrow without delay the government's rule.

I apologize

What a shame

Japan may lose

Its great, great name!


Japan in-ven-ted ivermectin

Yes it's from Satoshi Omura.

Campbell got it from our shore.


Did demonic forces hurt us?

That could well be valid lore.



Demonic forces may have hurt us,

Well anyway, anyway, that's the lore.


I got cancer during Covid;

My hair fell out -- I was morbid.

Of my 3 batches, 2 were lethal

Something, something, something e-vil.


I apologize

It's not funny

We must quit being guided by money.


I look around, see people hurt.

As your Rep, I took

part in this dirt. Ha ha ha ha


Japan, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry.

People, this government must go.

Japan, he's sorry, truly sorry.

And now we need an overthrow.

 [Narrator]:      Act III -- INVESTIGATORS


Countless clues are out there, but individuals must find them and put them together. First we'll hear from finance advisor Catherine Austin Fitts, a former sub-Cabinet official, who followed the money and knows about backroom planning of riots. Steven Kirsch, an MIT donor, has invented "corrective philanthropy." As a simple way to prove that the government is erring, he offers money to anyone who'll prove the government is correct -especially about autism. Our next singer, Dr Pierre Kory, shows why the perfectly reliable medicine, ivermectin, got taken off the market. Next, Journalist Jon Rappaport, age 84, says the pandemic is not believable. He cut his teeth on AIDS in the 1980s.  Attorney William Sumner Scott has uncovered the outrageous fact that the accreditation of schools of Public Health (and law schools) is controlled by -- wait for it -- the US Dept of Education.

11. Catherine Austin Fitts,
Former U.S. Sub-cabinet Official

We Call It 'Disaster Capitalism'   (A Wandering Minstrel, I)


Catherine Austin Fitts

A wand'ring scout am I, a good old Nosey Parker,

Things now are getting darker,

But there could be changes ahead.


My catalogue is long, with much advice and suggestions,

Finance is my strong suit, and I’ll tu-une my mi-ind for yo-u.

I’ll tune my su-uuu-uple mind.


Remember the 2020 Lockdown?  I saw right through it.

Kill small businesses to expand Am-azon.


Stand down the cops, board up the shops, then buy 'rm cheap!

We call it disaster capitalism -- not George Floyd.


I'll charm your willing ears, with songs of mothers' fears.

While sympathetic tears my cheeks bedew,

Oh ooo,  sor- orro so-ro. 


But if patriotic sentiment is wanted,

Let's salute our farmers with a round of thanks.

They’re feeling helpless, due to the foreclosures.

Oh, why do we support such heartless banks?


Our military knows that China covets

Resources we've been grabbing all around,

And in this multi-polar world, the dollar

Is not going to end up looking ve-ry sound.


In this multipolar world the dollar won't be sound.

And we better be thinking of Russia. Yes Russia, too.


Canucks protested the Covid quarantine,

With trucks in convoy formation.

But Justin Trudeau said No, no, no.

He broke their windshields, oot in the snow

And barred the folks’ donations!


Yeo-ho — heave ho —

Hurrah for the “homeward bound”!


Just think how the so-called Covid crisis

Has veiled all sorts of scheming.

But people are swiftly ca-a-atching on,

And once they see how they’ve been ha-a-ad,

You’re going to be very glad!  yo-ho.

Heave ho-o. Your boldness is needed now!


A wandering scout am I, a good old Nosey Parker,

Things now are getting darker,

But don’t rule out changes ahead…


Some lov-o-o-ely cha– anges may manifest

U-up ahead.

12. Philanthropist Steve Kirsch

Please Do It for the Kids    (“I Am So Proud“)


Steve Kirsch

I am so rich, I make this pitch:

Without a hitch:

If you'll step forward, and show that vax

Does NOT cause autism

I'll pay the max.


But no such song will come along

From the medical throng to which you belong,

You-oo, oo-oo, be-long.


This world, it teems with endless schemes.

And Covid, too, is full of lies, is full of lies.

Now every man to aid his clan

Should plot and plan as best he can.


Go tell your friends, without amends,

That the terrible VAERS has endless scares.

I took two jabs, and didn't get sick,

Yet how could I have been so thick?


Thousands die. So be not shy

To spread the word among the herd.


But lo, although I’m ready to go,

(And I greatly pine to brightly shine)

I'm asking you, too, to be on our side.     


The scene is dire.  A funeral pyre?

They tell your child "The shot is mild."

I’m quite aware it’s your affair,

But they are bent against dissent.


To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock
In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock
Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock
From a cheap and chippy chopper, on a big black block.


Autism's epidemic tops my list

I'm watching it and it has got me pissed, pissed, pissed.

How can vaccines not be the key?

Don't look away, dear citizens, just see, see, see.


A dull, dark dock, a life-long lock. A short, sharp shock, a big black block!
To sit in solemn silence in a pestilential prison, and awaiting the sensation.

Unless -- at the last minute -- they talk, talk, talk.

13. Dr Pierre Kory

Ivermectin Hits the Spot   (“There Is Beauty in the Bellow of the Blast“)


Pierre Kory, MD,
author of "The War against Ivermectin"

Ivermectin's had a long, safe human run.                  lessen the speed

They call it a “horse wormer,” to poke fun.

Sure, it works for horses, too,

But that is nothing new

An animals' health is typically a clue.


Ivermectin works just dandy.

Have you got a prescription handy?

There's no way CVS is going to fill it. 


What a pity that most of our physicians

Think “Hey, we’re not supposed to be magicians.

We bow to FDA,

We’ll do whate’er they say

Lest we find ourselves in a poverty position.”


Promoting Ivermectin

Was a noble act for nurses,

But a noble act that often shrunk their purses.

You know I'm americano, the Boy Scout type,
I shone giving testimony to the Senate on 'mectin,
I’m a Bill of Rights free speech maniac, and all that, right?
But YouTube had the gall to pull me out of sight.


A vax gets "Emergency Auth'rization"

Only if "no other treatment is available."

So the feds dumped ivermectin,

In a mockery of reason,

Never mind that that's a blatant act of treason.


We’d expect to see a tiger

in the Congo or the Niger,

But we didn’t look for monsters in our midst.


The swindle has been going on for yonks;

When you notice the extent, you will be reeling.

Big Pharma's being questioned,

Their worst is not yet mentioned

You'll need some pals to help you with your feelings!



All our wealth has been purloined,

By Pharma and state conjoined

Isn’t it time for us to work on retribution?    fix last note


The biggest cure in the 21st Century

Took place in an Indian state, Uttar Pradesh

Two-hundred-thirty million people were happy to get

Early treatment with little kits, free of charge, of you-know-what.


India got lots of praise in the media and in the journals

Even Tedros at "the WHO" laid on the mush.

Everyone knows the statistics were fantastic

Yet the star of the show still remains Hush Hush Hush.

Everyone knows the statistics were fantastic

But (my beloved) star of the show remains Hush Hush Hush.

14. Journalist Jon Rappaport

I Remember AIDS and the OKC Bomb     (“Mia Sama“)


Jon Rappaport, lifelong investigator


Mi-ya sa-ma, mi-ya sa-ma, Here is Jonathon Rappaport.

He’s been in this game so long, and we think he is the best.

Please give ear to his insights and advice.


Mi-ya sa-ma, mi-ya sa-ma, Here is Jonathon Rappaport.

He lives in Californya, he can see through everything.

He knows Mind control, hypnosis and the matrix.


Each man should watch the Covid hoax,

And before his memory fades,

Compare it to that previous hoax

Which was falsely labeled AIDS.


You can hardly believe

What they do to deceive.

They love to cause unrest.

And with unpredictable heart attacks

Your future can’t even be guessed.


And with unpredictable heart attacks

Your future can’t even be guessed.

Please, please, Citizens, think it through.

Please, please, Citizens, think it through.


Oklahoma’s bombing I studied

In a fatherly kind of way,

It didn’t take long to figure out

That it couldn’t have been McVeigh.

This shame must stop.

Let’s get on top.

And put the baddies to rest.


Another book I’ve written is

The Ownership of All Life.

Will you really let Gates and Soros

Put every species in strife?


Please, please, Citizens, think it through.

Please, please, Citizens, think it through.

15. William Sumner Scott, JD   

Doctors Can't Avoid Politics     ("Young Man, Despair")


William Sumner Scott, JD   

Young man, despair/ If you want to be         

A doctor with/ Integrity.

You're expected to /Give obeisance to

American Med' Associ-a-tion.


In every state/ they hold your fate             

They know just how/ to legislate.

Behind the scenes/ they can dictate

"Best practice" for the entire na-tion.


Big Pharma and/the AMA                          

Pick all the meds/ you will convey.

They discipline docs/ So if you falter

They'll burn your license on their al-tar.


They hinder your joy/ With another ploy     

To make you a cog/ in the money affair

Of funding hospitals/ with Medicare.

It's an industry, what' your place in there?


Along comes Covid/ All very morbid,                   

Wear a blue mask/ To perform your task.

Should you ventilate?/ Hey what's the trick?

Isn't helping Grandma in your bail-i-wick?


I recently sent/ a legal petition                        

To US Department/ of Education

To demand a hearing/ about their interfering

In Public Health schools accredi-ta-tion!   


I suggested that/ every student be taught           

How conflict-of-interest/ affects public Health!

Let faculty hold/ a lively debate

On how vaccines made it out of the gate.


Come on, young docs/ take closer looks     

At AMA /and other crooks.

Your responsibility /for medical ethics

Goes way past patient care, to politics

[Narrator]:          ACT IV --  Solutionists


The final Act in this Covid Mikado turns to what can be done -- how can we resolve the huge problem of the Covid 'plan'demic? Mary Maxwell, a political scientist, will do her "law" thing. Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich had been setting up a grand jury to be used by a Maori court in New Zealand. Reiner recognizes that Covid is part of the UN's desire to legislate "anything" worldwide, by using national governments to empower the World Health Organization. He is currently behind bars. In Australia, Dee McLachlan, a filmmaker, ran to her local police in October 2021, to get a criminal prosecution started. Against a prime minister? No. Against a doctor? No. Against a bureaucrat. And what is the power of the citizen, as expressed by Senator Rand Paul? It depends on the law-enforcement decisions of the DoJ and its boss Attorney General Merrick Garland: Behold the Lord High Executioner.

16. Mary Maxwell, LLB

Donde Es The Bill of Rights?   (“The Criminal Cried“)


Mary Maxwell, LLB


The criminal cried, as he got dropped down,

And then we heard a screech.

But amazingly, things are upside-down

It was a crime to use free speech!


DoJ destroys the Rule of Law

At every opportunity,

Protecting killers, as if they were 'pillars,'

Who deserve 'immunity.' -- Immunity!


In 2020, I filed a lawsuit

To cancel Jacobson '05.

Constitution's clear: "Get out of my sphere"

Is the protection for which we strive.


How long will it take before I can make

The people listen to me? And understand

The crims at the top

should fe-el the snickersnee….?



You can start right now

With low-hanging fruit,

It would change the status quo.

The top fruit will get pretty shaken up,

And everyone will know.


I also have fits over the "FDA"

They can check the purity of drugs.

But no law puts them in charge of Medicine.

They act like a bunch of thugs.

(Remember Jeff Bradstreet?)   


In 1969, Doc-tor Day said

"Our ca-ancer cure is free

At Rockefeller Institute, for elites in the club,

But for you, it's under lock and key."


I can’t make this up; I've written some books,

Which I'd like you to go and see.

This terrible tale, you ca-an’t assail,

With truth it quite agrees.


Jacobinism dates to 1790 and fascism to 1930.

How can it be, that we've got them both now,

In the land of the Great Republic?


The bosses dropped lethal lasers on Hawaii

But everyone's eyes are covered. 

They've forgotten that we can use law

As "directed energy" against imposters.

-- Yes, they're imposters.


And oh, I vow, a citizen's-arrest

Will be a tou-uching sight to see.

Pre-emptive strikes are warranted,

Just deploy your snickersnee.


This respectable gal, she speaks the truth,

There’s no BS in her head. How do you feel

If crimes took place, exactly as she said?

Exactly, exactly, or nearly exactly, as she said?

17. Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich

I've Got a Little List for Nuremberg 2      ("If Someday It May Happen")  NEEDS LINK


Reiner Fuellmich, head of Nuremberg 2. Photo credit: Liberation.Fr

As someday it will happen that the baddies must be found

I've got a little list — I've got a little list

Of society offenders who might well be "underground"

And who never would be missed.  For my mill, they're all grist.


You will, I'm sure, have heard about the famous "Nuremberg trial"

So we set out, in the Covid case, to imitate its style.

We collected heaps of evidence, in hopes that we would find

Ways in which the new vaccines might harm the body or mind.


Went to renew my passport, and was shocked when I got frisked.

Now I'm a political prisoner; I miscalculated the risk.


He went to the German embassy, not something we'd advise.

He didn't renew his passport. -- He got a big surprise.


I know that law has value only if it gets enforced

If Covid's genocidal, the truth must be endorsed.

Sadly the elites out there, who commit the major sin

Think we're so weak, and we're so dumb, that they will always win!


The structure of authority is what deserves your focus.

Some folks in Geneva told me to look at global hocus-pocus.

Here's how the World Health Organization plays a dirty game

It fronts for the I-M-F and others of prominent name.


Don't let my absence stop you from exposing all of this.

Please, please just carry on -- I don't worry about being missed.



Danke, Herr Fuellmich, danke schoen, and Yes, you're being missed.

Your "Nuremberg 2", which is grand-jury-like, must continue to exist.


My colleague Astrid Stuckelberger says back in Two-thousand Two,

SARS was created to pave the way for this total-i-tarian coup.

Just think, all the legislation was concocted for the job,

To curtail -- 'bioterrorism,' and such-like thingamabob.


Be sure not to get your emotions up, just because you hear

The words "crisis" or "emergency" -- they're designed to create fear.


You're lucky not to be with me in this distressing place.

I ask all decent leaders to kindly show their face.


Our grand jury in New Zealand needn't be the only one

Make a hundred little grand juries and soon it will be done.



Put the bad guys on the list — you may put 'em on the list;

And they'll none of 'em be missed — they'll NONE OF 'EM be missed!

 18. Film-maker Dee McLachlan    

Arrest the Chief Health Officer (“A More Humane Mikado“)


Dee McLachlan


Photo (taken by bodycam?)
of Dee McLachlan's complaint

A more alert citizen of Oz

Did not in this pandemic exist.

I saw what was happening

And did what was normal for a

Cape Town-born journalist.


It’s been my very humane endeavor

And It looks like it will succeed

All you gotta do

Is find the creep who hurt you

And make him pay for his deed.


My object all sublime, as you will see in time,

Is: Find these official mur-der-ers and

Hold them accountable for crime.

And be sure the public knows, so it cannot happen in future,

That we were too timid, and put our own limits, when confronted by a butcher.


Here in Victoria the chief health officer

Is called the C.H.O.

He gets to tell doctors to squelch standard cures,

And he's got every pharmacist in tow.


Ivermectin’s a wonder drug, like penicillin,

Or so it is said in Japan.

India used it, too, so their patients came through,

But for Aussies, death was the plan.


In 2020, the CHO was Melbourne’s Professor Bret Sutton.

He went from nice guy to crim, it was all very grim,

Seemed to occur at the touch of a button.


He misled the folks, all the shelias and blokes,

So our city was completely locked down.

You couldn’t leave your house except to go shop,

At pre-selected places in town.


My object all sublime, as you will see in time,

Is: Find these official murderers and

Make them pay for their crime.

And be sure the public knows, so it cannot happen in future,

That we were too timid, and put our own limits, when confronted by a butcher.


Her object all sublime

She will achieve in time —

To let the punishment fit the crime —The punishment fit the crime.

A society can't have law

And all the blessings it brings

Whilst letting the guilty get away every time

With all sorts of outrageous things.


I went to St Kilda and talked to a cop, I wrote a complaint for the ICC.

Leaders mustn’t cause pain, for their personal gain,

Then think they can strut away free!

Bret sinned by claiming the vaccine is safe,

“Should you take it? Oh yes you should.”


He deceived heaps of nurses, and merely got curses

From those who know it’s no good.

The focus now, must be on the issue:  Why did society fail?

Parliament was hollow, but why did we swallow?

Instead of dragging the killers to jail?


My object all sublime, as you will see in time,

Is: Find these official murderers and

Make them pay for their crime.

And be sure the public knows, so it cannot happen in future,

That we were too timid, and put our own limits, when confronted by a butcher.


Her object all sublime

She will achieve in time —

To let the punishment fit the crime —

The punishment fit the crime.


A society cannot have law,

And all the blessings it brings,

Whilst letting the guilty get away every time

With such outrageous things.

19. The Senate and the DoJ

Behold the Mighty Attorney General    (“Behold the Lord High Executioner“)



Behold the Mighty Attorney General,

Who holds this most exal-ted ti-itle,

Being in charge of US federal law,

His duties are exceptionally vital.


Defer, defer, to the Lord High Executioner.

Defer, defer to Merrick Garland,

Merrick Garland, the US Attorney General.


[Senator  Rand Paul sings]:

Dr Fauci, you have lied to Congress, knowing it’s a federal cri-ime,
I hope you’re not spared from jail, as this wasn’t your first ti-ime.

Covid's not a joke; it's a tragedy, it made many families suffer.

Recall I’m a doctor, too. Of ethics, what a rupture!

You say you never funded China, for their work on gain-of-function,
I’ve got the receipts right here.  I bet you won’t show compunction.
[ Pause]


[NIH’s Dr Anthony Fauci sings]:
Senator Paul, I have to tell you,
You don’t know your arse from your elbow.
SARS came from bats in Wu-han
So I had to track that down.   


Defer, defer, to the Lord High Executioner.

Defer, defer to Merrick Garland,

Merrick Garland, High Executioner.

Oh no, no, no. To the Attorney General,

Bow down, bow down, to the lord, to the lord,

To the LO-O-ORD, Attorney General.


Acknowledgements, etc,  .......... The audience is invited to stand up and pay respects to Dr Rashid Buttar, by singing his song, He, along with Dr Jeff Bradstreet, was paving the way for some relief for autism sufferers.  Jeff died in 2015 just after his autistic son graduated from high school. The FDA had raided Jeff's office the days before his death-by-gunshot, which was ruled a suicide. No one has been charged. Why?   

Good Folks Can Rule the Earth -- But You Must Try


Jeff Bradstreet, MD (1955-2015)           

Rashid Buttar, autism doctor
(1966 -2023)

The sun, whose rays are all ablaze, tells us a story,

That life on Earth, in all its worth, gives God His glory.

I'm sad my days were cut so short, by misled neighbors.

Their crazy drive, to stay on top, did them no favors.


I’d continue hyperbaric chambers, for my autistics.

I’d emphasize sunshine for all -- it's got statistics! 

Good folks can rule the earth, as He the sky.

It takes a covenant of love.   Let's, you and I.


And don’t forget, I served as surgeon in the Army.

Discovered things I need to share — these can’t keep going.

Please, Troops, be strong, pick out what’s wrong, and stop them growing.

Just use your brains; it only takes a bit of knowing.


Ah, pray make no mistake, we are not shy;

We’re very wide awake, you folks and I.

Good folks can rule the earth, as He the sky.

It takes a covenant of love — let’s, you and I.

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